'use strict';
var qs = require( 'qs' );
var _unique = require( 'lodash.uniq' );
var extend = require( 'node.extend' );
var alphaNumericSort = require( '../util/alphanumeric-sort' );
var keyValToObj = require( '../util/key-val-to-obj' );
var paramSetter = require( '../util/parameter-setter' );
var objectReduce = require( '../util/object-reduce' );
* WPRequest is the base API request object constructor
* @constructor WPRequest
* @param {Object} options A hash of options for the WPRequest instance
* @param {String} options.endpoint The endpoint URI for the invoking WPAPI instance
* @param {Object} options.transport An object of http transport methods (get, post, etc)
* @param {String} [options.username] A username for authenticating API requests
* @param {String} [options.password] A password for authenticating API requests
* @param {String} [options.nonce] A WP nonce for use with cookie authentication
function WPRequest( options ) {
* Configuration options for the request
* @property _options
* @type Object
* @private
* @default {}
this._options = [
// Whitelisted options keys
].reduce(function( localOptions, key ) {
if ( options && options[ key ] ) {
localOptions[ key ] = options[ key ];
return localOptions;
}, {});
* The HTTP transport methods (.get, .post, .put, .delete, .head) to use for this request
* @property transport
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.transport = options && options.transport;
* A hash of query parameters
* This is used to store the values for supported query parameters like ?_embed
* @property _params
* @type Object
* @private
* @default {}
this._params = {};
* Methods supported by this API request instance:
* Individual endpoint handlers specify their own subset of supported methods
* @property _supportedMethods
* @type Array
* @private
* @default [ 'head', 'get', 'put', 'post', 'delete' ]
this._supportedMethods = [ 'head', 'get', 'put', 'post', 'delete' ];
* A hash of values to assemble into the API request path
* (This will be overwritten by each specific endpoint handler constructor)
* @property _path
* @type Object
* @private
* @default {}
this._path = {};
// Private helper methods
// ======================
* Identity function for use within invokeAndPromisify()
* @private
function identity( value ) {
return value;
* Process arrays of taxonomy terms into query parameters.
* All terms listed in the arrays will be required (AND behavior).
* This method will not be called with any values unless we are handling
* an endpoint with the filter mixin; however, since parameter handling
* (and therefore `_renderQuery()`) are part of WPRequest itself, this
* helper method lives here alongside the code where it is used.
* @example
* prepareTaxonomies({
* tag: [ 'tag1 ', 'tag2' ], // by term slug
* cat: [ 7 ] // by term ID
* }) === {
* tag: 'tag1+tag2',
* cat: '7'
* }
* @private
* @param {Object} taxonomyFilters An object of taxonomy term arrays, keyed by taxonomy name
* @returns {Object} An object of prepareFilters-ready query arg and query param value pairs
function prepareTaxonomies( taxonomyFilters ) {
if ( ! taxonomyFilters ) {
return {};
return objectReduce( taxonomyFilters, function( result, terms, key ) {
// Trim whitespace and concatenate multiple terms with +
result[ key ] = terms.map(function( term ) {
// Coerce term into a string so that trim() won't fail
return ( term + '' ).trim().toLowerCase();
}).join( '+' );
return result;
}, {});
* Return an object with any properties with undefined, null or empty string
* values removed.
* @example
* populated({
* a: 'a',
* b: '',
* c: null
* }); // { a: 'a' }
* @private
* @param {Object} obj An object of key/value pairs
* @returns {Object} That object with all empty values removed
function populated( obj ) {
if ( ! obj ) {
return obj;
return objectReduce( obj, function( values, val, key ) {
if ( val !== undefined && val !== null && val !== '' ) {
values[ key ] = val;
return values;
}, {});
* Assert whether a provided URL component is "valid" by checking it against
* an array of registered path component validator methods for that level of
* the URL path.
* @private
* @param {object[]} levelDefinitions An array of Level Definition objects
* @param {string} levelContents The URL path string that has been specified
* for use on the provided level
* @returns {boolean} Whether the provided input matches any of the provided
* level validation functions
function validatePathLevel( levelDefinitions, levelContents ) {
// One "level" may have multiple options, as a route tree is a branching
// structure. We consider a level "valid" if the provided levelContents
// match any of the available validators.
var valid = levelDefinitions.reduce(function( anyOptionValid, levelOption ) {
if ( ! levelOption.validate ) {
// If there is no validator function, the level is implicitly valid
return true;
return anyOptionValid || levelOption.validate( levelContents );
}, false );
if ( ! valid ) {
throw new Error([
'Invalid path component:',
// awkward pluralization support:
'does not match' + ( levelDefinitions.length > 1 ? ' any of' : '' ),
levelDefinitions.reduce(function( components, levelOption ) {
return components.concat( levelOption.component );
}, [] ).join( ', ' )
].join( ' ' ) );
// (Semi-)Private Prototype Methods
// ================================
* Process the endpoint query's filter objects into a valid query string.
* Nested objects and Array properties are rendered with indexed array syntax.
* @example
* _renderQuery({ p1: 'val1', p2: 'val2' }); // ?p1=val1&p2=val2
* _renderQuery({ obj: { prop: 'val' } }); // ?obj[prop]=val
* _renderQuery({ arr: [ 'val1', 'val2' ] }); // ?arr[0]=val1&arr[1]=val2
* @private
* @method _renderQuery
* @returns {String} A query string representing the specified filter parameters
WPRequest.prototype._renderQuery = function() {
// Build the full query parameters object
var queryParams = extend( {}, populated( this._params ) );
// Prepare any taxonomies and merge with other filter values
var taxonomies = prepareTaxonomies( this._taxonomyFilters );
queryParams.filter = extend( {}, populated( this._filters ), taxonomies );
// Parse query parameters object into a query string, sorting the object
// properties by alphabetical order (consistent property ordering can make
// for easier caching of request URIs)
var queryString = qs.stringify( queryParams, { arrayFormat: 'brackets' } )
.split( '&' )
.join( '&' );
// Check if the endpoint contains a previous query and set the query character accordingly.
var queryCharacter = /\?/.test( this._options.endpoint ) ? '&' : '?';
// Prepend a "?" (or a "&") if a query is present, and return.
return ( queryString === '' ) ? '' : queryCharacter + queryString;
* Validate & assemble a path string from the request object's _path
* @private
* @returns {String} The rendered path
WPRequest.prototype._renderPath = function() {
// Call validatePath: if the provided path components are not well-formed,
// an error will be thrown
var pathParts = this._path;
var orderedPathParts = Object.keys( pathParts )
.sort(function( a, b ) {
var intA = parseInt( a, 10 );
var intB = parseInt( b, 10 );
return intA - intB;
.map(function( pathPartKey ) {
return pathParts[ pathPartKey ];
// Combine all parts of the path together, filtered to omit any components
// that are unspecified or empty strings, to create the full path template
var path = [
].concat( orderedPathParts ).filter( identity ).join( '/' );
return path;
// Public Prototype Methods
// ========================
* Parse the request into a WordPress API request URI string
* @method
* @returns {String} The URI for the HTTP request to be sent
WPRequest.prototype.toString = function() {
// Render the path to a string
var path = this._renderPath();
// Render the query string
var queryStr = this._renderQuery();
return this._options.endpoint + path + queryStr;
* Set a component of the resource URL itself (as opposed to a query parameter)
* If a path component has already been set at this level, throw an error:
* requests are meant to be transient, so any re-writing of a previously-set
* path part value is likely to be a mistake.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {Number|String} level A "level" of the path to set, e.g. "1" or "2"
* @param {Number|String} val The value to set at that path part level
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.setPathPart = function( level, val ) {
if ( this._path[ level ] ) {
throw new Error( 'Cannot overwrite value ' + this._path[ level ] );
this._path[ level ] = val;
return this;
* Validate whether the specified path parts are valid for this endpoint
* "Path parts" are non-query-string URL segments, like "some" "path" in the URL
* `mydomain.com/some/path?and=a&query=string&too`. Because a well-formed path
* is necessary to execute a successful API request, we throw an error if the
* user has omitted a value (such as `/some/[missing component]/url`) or has
* provided a path part value that does not match the regular expression the
* API uses to goven that segment.
* @method
* @chainable
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining), if no errors were found
WPRequest.prototype.validatePath = function() {
// Iterate through all _specified_ levels of this endpoint
var specifiedLevels = Object.keys( this._path )
.map(function( level ) {
return parseInt( level, 10 );
.filter(function( pathPartKey ) {
return ! isNaN( pathPartKey );
var maxLevel = Math.max.apply( null, specifiedLevels );
// Ensure that all necessary levels are specified
var path = [];
var valid = true;
for ( var level = 0; level <= maxLevel; level++ ) {
if ( ! this._levels || ! this._levels[ level ] ) {
if ( this._path[ level ] ) {
// Validate the provided path level against all available path validators
validatePathLevel( this._levels[ level ], this._path[ level ] );
// Add the path value to the array
path.push( this._path[ level ] );
} else {
path.push( ' ??? ' );
valid = false;
if ( ! valid ) {
throw new Error( 'Incomplete URL! Missing component: /' + path.join( '/' ) );
return this;
* Set a parameter to render into the final query URI.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String|Object} props The name of the parameter to set, or an object containing
* parameter keys and their corresponding values
* @param {String|Number|Array} [value] The value of the parameter being set
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.param = function( props, value ) {
if ( ! props || typeof props === 'string' && value === undefined ) {
// We have no property to set, or no value to set for that property
return this;
// We can use the same iterator function below to handle explicit key-value
// pairs if we convert them into to an object we can iterate over:
if ( typeof props === 'string' ) {
props = keyValToObj( props, value );
// Iterate through the properties
Object.keys( props ).forEach(function( key ) {
var value = props[ key ];
// Arrays should be de-duped and sorted
if ( Array.isArray( value ) ) {
value = _unique( value ).sort( alphaNumericSort );
// Set the value
this._params[ key ] = value;
}.bind( this ));
return this;
// Globally-applicable parameters that impact the shape of the request or response
// ===============================================================================
* Set the context of the request. Used primarily to expose private values on a
* request object by setting the context to "edit".
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String} context The context to set on the request
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.context = paramSetter( 'context' );
* Convenience wrapper for `.context( 'edit' )`
* @method
* @chainable
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.edit = function() {
return this.context( 'edit' );
* Return embedded resources as part of the response payload.
* @method
* @chainable
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.embed = function() {
return this.param( '_embed', true );
// Parameters supported by all/nearly all default collections
// ==========================================================
* Set the pagination of a request. Use in conjunction with `.perPage()` for explicit
* pagination handling. (The number of pages in a response can be retrieved from the
* response's `_paging.totalPages` property.)
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {Number} pageNumber The page number of results to retrieve
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.page = paramSetter( 'page' );
* Set the number of items to be returned in a page of responses.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {Number} itemsPerPage The number of items to return in one page of results
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.perPage = paramSetter( 'per_page' );
* Set an arbitrary offset to retrieve items from a specific point in a collection.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {Number} offsetNumber The number of items by which to offset the response
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.offset = paramSetter( 'offset' );
* Change the sort direction of a returned collection
* @example <caption>order comments chronologically (oldest first)</caption>
* site.comments().order( 'asc' )...
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String} direction The order to use when sorting the response
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.order = paramSetter( 'order' );
* Order a collection by a specific field
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String} field The field by which to order the response
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.orderby = paramSetter( 'orderby' );
* Filter results to those matching the specified search terms.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String} searchString A string to search for within post content
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.search = paramSetter( 'search' );
* Include specific resource IDs in the response collection.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {Number|Number[]} ids An ID or array of IDs to include
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.include = paramSetter( 'include' );
* Exclude specific resource IDs in the response collection.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {Number|Number[]} ids An ID or array of IDs to exclude
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.exclude = paramSetter( 'exclude' );
* Query a collection for members with a specific slug.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String} slug A post slug (slug), e.g. "hello-world"
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.slug = paramSetter( 'slug' );
// HTTP Transport Prototype Methods
// ================================
// Chaining methods
// ================
* Set the namespace of the request, e.g. to specify the API root for routes
* registered by wp core v2 ("wp/v2") or by any given plugin. Any previously-
* set namespace will be overwritten by subsequent calls to the method.
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String} namespace A namespace string, e.g. "wp/v2"
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.namespace = function( namespace ) {
this._namespace = namespace;
return this;
* Set a request to use authentication, and optionally provide auth credentials
* If auth credentials were already specified when the WPAPI instance was created, calling
* `.auth` on the request chain will set that request to use the existing credentials:
* @example <caption>use existing credentials</caption>
* request.auth().get...
* Alternatively, a username & password (or nonce) can be explicitly passed into `.auth`:
* @example <caption>use explicit basic authentication credentials</caption>
* request.auth({
* username: 'admin',
* password: 'super secure'
* }).get...
* @example <caption>use a nonce for cookie authentication</caption>
* request.auth({
* nonce: 'somenonce'
* })...
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {Object} credentials An object with 'username' and 'password' string
* properties, or else a 'nonce' property
* @param {String} [credentials.username] A WP-API Basic HTTP Authentication username
* @param {String} [credentials.password] A WP-API Basic HTTP Authentication password
* @param {String} [credentials.nonce] A WP nonce for use with cookie authentication
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.auth = function( credentials ) {
if ( typeof credentials === 'object' ) {
if ( typeof credentials.username === 'string' ) {
this._options.username = credentials.username;
if ( typeof credentials.password === 'string' ) {
this._options.password = credentials.password;
if ( credentials.nonce ) {
this._options.nonce = credentials.nonce;
// Set the "auth" options flag that will force authentication on this request
this._options.auth = true;
return this;
* Specify a file or a file buffer to attach to the request, for use when
* creating a new Media item
* @example <caption>within a server context</caption>
* wp.media()
* // Pass .file() the file system path to a file to upload
* .file( '/path/to/file.jpg' )
* .create({})...
* @example <caption>within a browser context</caption>
* wp.media()
* // Pass .file() the file reference from an HTML file input
* .file( document.querySelector( 'input[type="file"]' ).files[0] )
* .create({})...
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {string|object} file A path to a file (in Node) or an file object
* (Node or Browser) to attach to the request
* @param {string} [name] An (optional) filename to use for the file
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.file = function( file, name ) {
this._attachment = file;
// Explicitly set to undefined if not provided, to override any previously-
// set attachment name property that might exist from a prior `.file()` call
this._attachmentName = name ? name : undefined;
return this;
// HTTP Methods: Public Interface
// ==============================
* Specify one or more headers to send with the dispatched HTTP request.
* @example <caption>Set a single header to be used on this request</caption>
* request.setHeaders( 'Authorization', 'Bearer trustme' )...
* @example <caption>Set multiple headers to be used by this request</caption>
* request.setHeaders({
* Authorization: 'Bearer comeonwereoldfriendsright',
* 'Accept-Language': 'en-CA'
* })...
* @since 1.1.0
* @method
* @chainable
* @param {String|Object} headers The name of the header to set, or an object of
* header names and their associated string values
* @param {String} [value] The value of the header being set
* @returns {WPRequest} The WPRequest instance (for chaining)
WPRequest.prototype.setHeaders = function( headers, value ) {
// We can use the same iterator function below to handle explicit key-value
// pairs if we convert them into to an object we can iterate over:
if ( typeof headers === 'string' ) {
headers = keyValToObj( headers, value );
this._options.headers = Object.assign( {}, this._options.headers || {}, headers );
return this;
* Get (download the data for) the specified resource
* @method
* @async
* @param {Function} [callback] A callback to invoke with the results of the GET request
* @returns {Promise} A promise to the results of the HTTP request
WPRequest.prototype.get = function( callback ) {
return this.transport.get( this, callback );
* Get the headers for the specified resource
* @method
* @async
* @param {Function} [callback] A callback to invoke with the results of the HEAD request
* @returns {Promise} A promise to the header results of the HTTP request
WPRequest.prototype.headers = function( callback ) {
return this.transport.head( this, callback );
* Create the specified resource with the provided data
* This is the public interface for creating POST requests
* @method
* @async
* @param {Object} data The data for the POST request
* @param {Function} [callback] A callback to invoke with the results of the POST request
* @returns {Promise} A promise to the results of the HTTP request
WPRequest.prototype.create = function( data, callback ) {
return this.transport.post( this, data, callback );
* Update the specified resource with the provided data
* This is the public interface for creating PUT requests
* @method
* @async
* @private
* @param {Object} data The data for the PUT request
* @param {Function} [callback] A callback to invoke with the results of the PUT request
* @returns {Promise} A promise to the results of the HTTP request
WPRequest.prototype.update = function( data, callback ) {
return this.transport.put( this, data, callback );
* Delete the specified resource
* @method
* @async
* @param {Object} [data] Data to send along with the DELETE request
* @param {Function} [callback] A callback to invoke with the results of the DELETE request
* @returns {Promise} A promise to the results of the HTTP request
WPRequest.prototype.delete = function( data, callback ) {
return this.transport.delete( this, data, callback );
* Calling .then on a query chain will invoke the query as a GET and return a promise
* @method
* @async
* @param {Function} [successCallback] A callback to handle the data returned from the GET request
* @param {Function} [failureCallback] A callback to handle any errors encountered by the request
* @returns {Promise} A promise to the results of the HTTP request
WPRequest.prototype.then = function( successCallback, failureCallback ) {
return this.transport.get( this ).then( successCallback, failureCallback );
module.exports = WPRequest;