
 * Take a WP route string (with PCRE named capture groups), `such as /author/(?P<id>\d+)`,
 * and generate request handler factory methods for each represented endpoint.
 * @module endpoint-factories
'use strict';

var extend = require( 'node.extend' );
var createResourceHandlerSpec = require( './resource-handler-spec' ).create;
var createEndpointRequest = require( './endpoint-request' ).create;
var objectReduce = require( './util/object-reduce' );

 * Given an array of route definitions and a specific namespace for those routes,
 * recurse through the node tree representing all possible routes within the
 * provided namespace to define path value setters (and corresponding property
 * validators) for all possible variants of each resource's API endpoints.
 * @method generate
 * @param {string} namespace         The namespace string for these routes
 * @param {object} routesByNamespace A dictionary of namespace - route definition
 *                                   object pairs as generated from buildRouteTree,
 *                                   where each route definition object is a dictionary
 *                                   keyed by route definition strings
 * @returns {object} A dictionary of endpoint request handler factories
function generateEndpointFactories( routesByNamespace ) {

	return objectReduce( routesByNamespace, function( namespaces, routeDefinitions, namespace ) {

		// Create
		namespaces[ namespace ] = objectReduce( routeDefinitions, function( handlers, routeDef, resource ) {

			var handlerSpec = createResourceHandlerSpec( routeDef, resource );

			var EndpointRequest = createEndpointRequest( handlerSpec, resource, namespace );

			// "handler" object is now fully prepared; create the factory method that
			// will instantiate and return a handler instance
			handlers[ resource ] = function( options ) {
				return new EndpointRequest( extend( {}, this._options, options ) );

			// Expose the constructor as a property on the factory function, so that
			// auto-generated endpoint request constructors may be further customized
			// when needed
			handlers[ resource ].Ctor = EndpointRequest;

			return handlers;
		}, {} );

		return namespaces;
	}, {} );

module.exports = {
	generate: generateEndpointFactories