* @module mixins/filters
'use strict';
var _unique = require( 'lodash.uniq' );
var extend = require( 'node.extend' );
var alphaNumericSort = require( '../util/alphanumeric-sort' );
var keyValToObj = require( '../util/key-val-to-obj' );
* Filter methods that can be mixed in to a request constructor's prototype to
* allow that request to take advantage of the `?filter[]=` aliases for WP_Query
* parameters for collection endpoints, when available.
* @mixin filters
var filterMixins = {};
// Filter Methods
// ==============
* Specify key-value pairs by which to filter the API results (commonly used
* to retrieve only posts meeting certain criteria, such as posts within a
* particular category or by a particular author).
* @example
* // Set a single property:
* wp.filter( 'post_type', 'cpt_event' )...
* // Set multiple properties at once:
* wp.filter({
* post_status: 'publish',
* category_name: 'news'
* })...
* // Chain calls to .filter():
* wp.filter( 'post_status', 'publish' ).filter( 'category_name', 'news' )...
* @method filter
* @chainable
* @param {String|Object} props A filter property name string, or object of name/value pairs
* @param {String|Number|Array} [value] The value(s) corresponding to the provided filter property
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
filterMixins.filter = function( props, value ) {
/* jshint validthis:true */
if ( ! props || typeof props === 'string' && value === undefined ) {
// We have no filter to set, or no value to set for that filter
return this;
// convert the property name string `props` and value `value` into an object
if ( typeof props === 'string' ) {
props = keyValToObj( props, value );
this._filters = extend( this._filters, props );
return this;
* Restrict the query results to posts matching one or more taxonomy terms.
* @method taxonomy
* @chainable
* @param {String} taxonomy The name of the taxonomy to filter by
* @param {String|Number|Array} term A string or integer, or array thereof, representing terms
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
filterMixins.taxonomy = function( taxonomy, term ) {
/* jshint validthis:true */
var termIsArray = Array.isArray( term );
var termIsNumber = termIsArray ?
term.reduce(function( allAreNumbers, term ) {
return allAreNumbers && typeof term === 'number';
}, true ) :
typeof term === 'number';
var termIsString = termIsArray ?
term.reduce(function( allAreStrings, term ) {
return allAreStrings && typeof term === 'string';
}, true ) :
typeof term === 'string';
var taxonomyTerms;
if ( ! termIsString && ! termIsNumber ) {
throw new Error( 'term must be a number, string, or array of numbers or strings' );
if ( taxonomy === 'category' ) {
if ( termIsString ) {
// Query param for filtering by category slug is "category_name"
taxonomy = 'category_name';
} else {
// The boolean check above ensures that if taxonomy === 'category' and
// term is not a string, then term must be a number and therefore an ID:
// Query param for filtering by category ID is "cat"
taxonomy = 'cat';
} else if ( taxonomy === 'post_tag' ) {
// tag is used in place of post_tag in the public query variables
taxonomy = 'tag';
// Ensure the taxonomy filters object is available
this._taxonomyFilters = this._taxonomyFilters || {};
// Ensure there's an array of terms available for this taxonomy
taxonomyTerms = ( this._taxonomyFilters[ taxonomy ] || [] )
// Insert the provided terms into the specified taxonomy's terms array
.concat( term )
// Sort array
.sort( alphaNumericSort );
// De-dupe
this._taxonomyFilters[ taxonomy ] = _unique( taxonomyTerms, true );
return this;
* Query for posts published in a given year.
* @method year
* @chainable
* @param {Number} year integer representation of year requested
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
filterMixins.year = function( year ) {
/* jshint validthis:true */
return filterMixins.filter.call( this, 'year', year );
* Query for posts published in a given month, either by providing the number
* of the requested month (e.g. 3), or the month's name as a string (e.g. "March")
* @method month
* @chainable
* @param {Number|String} month Integer for month (1) or month string ("January")
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
filterMixins.month = function( month ) {
/* jshint validthis:true */
var monthDate;
if ( typeof month === 'string' ) {
// Append a arbitrary day and year to the month to parse the string into a Date
monthDate = new Date( Date.parse( month + ' 1, 2012' ) );
// If the generated Date is NaN, then the passed string is not a valid month
if ( isNaN( monthDate ) ) {
return this;
// JS Dates are 0 indexed, but the WP API requires a 1-indexed integer
month = monthDate.getMonth() + 1;
// If month is a Number, add the monthnum filter to the request
if ( typeof month === 'number' ) {
return filterMixins.filter.call( this, 'monthnum', month );
return this;
* Add the day filter into the request to retrieve posts for a given day
* @method day
* @chainable
* @param {Number} day Integer representation of the day requested
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
filterMixins.day = function( day ) {
/* jshint validthis:true */
return filterMixins.filter.call( this, 'day', day );
* Specify that we are requesting a page by its path (specific to Page resources)
* @method path
* @chainable
* @param {String} path The root-relative URL path for a page
* @returns The request instance (for chaining)
filterMixins.path = function( path ) {
/* jshint validthis:true */
return filterMixins.filter.call( this, 'pagename', path );
module.exports = filterMixins;