
 * Filter methods that can be mixed in to a request constructor's prototype to
 * allow that request to take advantage of top-level query parameters for
 * collection endpoints. These are most relevant to posts, pages and CPTs, but
 * pagination helpers are applicable to any collection.
 * @module mixins/parameters
'use strict';
/*jshint -W106 */// Disable underscore_case warnings in this file b/c WP uses them

var paramSetter = require( '../util/parameter-setter' );
var argumentIsNumeric = require( '../util/argument-is-numeric' );

 * @mixin parameters
var parameterMixins = {};

var filters = require( './filters' );
// Needed for .author mixin, as author by ID is a parameter and by Name is a filter
var filter = filters.filter;
// Needed for .tag and .category mixin, for deprecated query-by-slug support
var taxonomy = filters.taxonomy;

// Parameter Methods
// =================

 * Query for posts by a specific author.
 * This method will replace any previous 'author' query parameters that had been set.
 * Note that this method will either set the "author" top-level query parameter,
 * or else the "author_name" filter parameter (when querying by nicename): this is
 * irregular as most parameter helper methods either set a top level parameter or a
 * filter, not both.
 * _Usage with the author nicename string is deprecated._ Query by author ID instead.
 * If the "rest-filter" plugin is not installed, the name query will have no effect.
 * @method author
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number} author The nicename or ID for a particular author
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
 */ = function( author ) {
	/* jshint validthis:true */
	if ( author === undefined ) {
		return this;
	if ( typeof author === 'string' ) {
		this.param( 'author', null );
		return this, 'author_name', author );
	if ( typeof author === 'number' ) { this, 'author_name', null );
		return this.param( 'author', author );
	if ( author === null ) { this, 'author_name', null );
		return this.param( 'author', null );
	throw new Error( 'author must be either a nicename string or numeric ID' );

 * Search for hierarchical taxonomy terms that are children of the parent term
 * indicated by the provided term ID
 * @example
 *     wp.pages().parent( 3 ).then(function( pages ) {
 *       // console.log( 'all of these pages are nested below page ID#3:' );
 *       // console.log( pages );
 *     });
 *     wp.categories().parent( 42 ).then(function( categories ) {
 *       console.log( 'all of these categories are sub-items of cat ID#42:' );
 *       console.log( categories );
 *     });
 * @method parent
 * @chainable
 * @param {Number} parentId The ID of a (hierarchical) taxonomy term
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.parent = paramSetter( 'parent' );

 * Specify the post for which to retrieve terms (relevant for *e.g.* taxonomy
 * and comment collection endpoints).
 * @method post
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number} post The ID of the post for which to retrieve terms
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
 */ = paramSetter( 'post' );

 * Specify the password to use to access the content of a password-protected post
 * @method password
 * @chainable
 * @param {string} password A string password to access protected content within a post
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.password = paramSetter( 'password' );

 * Specify for which post statuses to return posts in a response collection
 * See -- the default post status
 * values in WordPress which are most relevant to the API are 'publish',
 * 'future', 'draft', 'pending', 'private', and 'trash'. This parameter also
 * supports passing the special value "any" to return all statuses.
 * @method status
 * @chainable
 * @param {string|string[]} status A status name string or array of strings
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.status = paramSetter( 'status' );

 * Specify whether to return only, or to completely exclude, sticky posts
 * @method sticky
 * @chainable
 * @param {boolean} sticky A boolean value for whether ONLY sticky posts (true) or
 *                         NO sticky posts (false) should be returned in the query
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.sticky = paramSetter( 'sticky' );

// Taxonomy Term Filter Methods
// ============================

 * Retrieve only records associated with one of the provided categories
 * @method categories
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number|Array} categories A term ID integer or numeric string, or array thereof
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.categories = paramSetter( 'categories' );

 * Legacy wrapper for `.categories()` that uses `?filter` to query by slug if available
 * @method tag
 * @deprecated Use `.categories()` and query by category IDs
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number|Array} tag A category term slug string, numeric ID, or array of numeric IDs
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.category = function( category ) {
	/* jshint validthis:true */
	if ( argumentIsNumeric( category ) ) {
		return this, category );
	return this, 'category', category );

 * Exclude records associated with any of the provided category IDs
 * @method excludeCategories
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number|Array} category A term ID integer or numeric string, or array thereof
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.excludeCategories = paramSetter( 'categories_exclude' );

 * Retrieve only records associated with one of the provided tag IDs
 * @method tags
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number|Array} tags A term ID integer or numeric string, or array thereof
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.tags = paramSetter( 'tags' );

 * Legacy wrapper for `.tags()` that uses `?filter` to query by slug if available
 * @method tag
 * @deprecated Use `.tags()` and query by term IDs
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number|Array} tag A tag term slug string, numeric ID, or array of numeric IDs
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.tag = function( tag ) {
	/* jshint validthis:true */
	if ( argumentIsNumeric( tag ) ) {
		return this, tag );
	return this, 'tag', tag );

 * Exclude records associated with any of the provided tag IDs
 * @method excludeTags
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Number|Array} category A term ID integer or numeric string, or array thereof
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.excludeTags = paramSetter( 'tags_exclude' );

// Date Methods
// ============

 * Retrieve only records published before a specified date
 * @example <caption>Provide an ISO 8601-compliant date string</caption>
 *     wp.posts().before('2016-03-22')...
 * @example <caption>Provide a JavaScript Date object</caption>
 *     wp.posts().before( new Date( 2016, 03, 22 ) )...
 * @method before
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Date} date An ISO 8601-compliant date string, or Date object
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.before = function( date ) {
	/* jshint validthis:true */
	return this.param( 'before', new Date( date ).toISOString() );

 * Retrieve only records published after a specified date
 * @example <caption>Provide an ISO 8601-compliant date string</caption>
 *     wp.posts().after('1986-03-22')...
 * @example <caption>Provide a JavaScript Date object</caption>
 *     wp.posts().after( new Date( 1986, 03, 22 ) )...
 * @method after
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Date} date An ISO 8601-compliant date string, or Date object
 * @returns The request instance (for chaining)
parameterMixins.after = function( date ) {
	/* jshint validthis:true */
	return this.param( 'after', new Date( date ).toISOString() );

module.exports = parameterMixins;