'use strict';
var extend = require( 'node.extend' );
var buildRouteTree = require( './route-tree' ).build;
var generateEndpointFactories = require( './endpoint-factories' ).generate;
var paramSetter = require( './util/parameter-setter' );
var applyMixin = require( './util/apply-mixin' );
var mixins = require( './mixins' );
* Create and return a handler for an arbitrary WP REST API endpoint.
* The first two parameters mirror `register_rest_route` in the REST API
* codebase:
* @memberof! WPAPI#
* @param {string} namespace A namespace string, e.g. 'myplugin/v1'
* @param {string} restBase A REST route string, e.g. '/author/(?P<id>\d+)'
* @param {object} [options] An (optional) options object
* @param {object} [options.mixins] A hash of functions to apply as mixins
* @param {string[]} [options.methods] An array of methods to whitelist (on the leaf node only)
* @returns {Function} An endpoint handler factory function for the specified route
function registerRoute( namespace, restBase, options ) {
// Support all methods until requested to do otherwise
var supportedMethods = [ 'head', 'get', 'patch', 'put', 'post', 'delete' ];
if ( options && Array.isArray( options.methods ) ) {
// Permit supported methods to be specified as an array
supportedMethods = options.methods.map(function( method ) {
return method.trim().toLowerCase();
} else if ( options && typeof options.methods === 'string' ) {
// Permit a supported method to be specified as a string
supportedMethods = [ options.methods.trim().toLowerCase() ];
// Ensure that if GET is supported, then HEAD is as well, and vice-versa
if ( supportedMethods.indexOf( 'get' ) !== -1 && supportedMethods.indexOf( 'head' ) === -1 ) {
supportedMethods.push( 'head' );
} else if ( supportedMethods.indexOf( 'head' ) !== -1 && supportedMethods.indexOf( 'get' ) === -1 ) {
supportedMethods.push( 'get' );
var fullRoute = namespace
// Route should always have preceding slash
.replace( /^[\s/]*/, '/' )
// Route should always be joined to namespace with a single slash
.replace( /[\s/]*$/, '/' ) + restBase.replace( /^[\s/]*/, '' );
var routeObj = {};
routeObj[ fullRoute ] = {
namespace: namespace,
methods: supportedMethods
// Go through the same steps used to bootstrap the client to parse the
// provided route out into a handler request method
var routeTree = buildRouteTree( routeObj );
// Parse the mock route object into endpoint factories
var endpointFactories = generateEndpointFactories( routeTree )[ namespace ];
var EndpointRequest = endpointFactories[ Object.keys( endpointFactories )[ 0 ] ].Ctor;
if ( options && options.params ) {
options.params.forEach(function( param ) {
// Only accept string parameters
if ( typeof param !== 'string' ) {
// If the parameter can be mapped to a mixin, apply that mixin
if ( typeof mixins[ param ] === 'object' ) {
Object.keys( mixins[ param ] ).forEach(function( key ) {
applyMixin( EndpointRequest.prototype, key, mixins[ param ][ key ] );
// Attempt to create a simple setter for any parameters for which
// we do not already have a custom mixin
applyMixin( EndpointRequest.prototype, param, paramSetter( param ) );
// Set any explicitly-provided object mixins
if ( options && typeof options.mixins === 'object' ) {
// Set any specified mixin functions on the response
Object.keys( options.mixins ).forEach(function( key ) {
applyMixin( EndpointRequest.prototype, key, options.mixins[ key ] );
function endpointFactory( options ) {
/* jshint validthis:true */
options = options || {};
options = extend( options, this && this._options );
return new EndpointRequest( options );
endpointFactory.Ctor = EndpointRequest;
return endpointFactory;
module.exports = registerRoute;