
 * A WP REST API client for Node.js
 * @example
 *     var wp = new WPAPI({ endpoint: 'http://src.wordpress-develop.dev/wp-json' });
 *     wp.posts().then(function( posts ) {
 *         console.log( posts );
 *     }).catch(function( err ) {
 *         console.error( err );
 *     });
 * @license MIT
'use strict';

var extend = require( 'node.extend' );
var objectReduce = require( './lib/util/object-reduce' );

// This JSON file provides enough data to create handler methods for all valid
// API routes in WordPress 4.7
var defaultRoutes = require( './lib/data/default-routes.json' );
var buildRouteTree = require( './lib/route-tree' ).build;
var generateEndpointFactories = require( './lib/endpoint-factories' ).generate;

// The default endpoint factories will be lazy-loaded by parsing the default
// route tree data if a default-mode WPAPI instance is created (i.e. one that
// is to be bootstrapped with the handlers for all of the built-in routes)
var defaultEndpointFactories;

// Constant used to detect first-party WordPress REST API routes
var apiDefaultNamespace = 'wp/v2';

// Pull in autodiscovery methods
var autodiscovery = require( './lib/autodiscovery' );

// Pull in base module constructors
var WPRequest = require( './lib/constructors/wp-request' );

// Pull in default HTTP transport
var httpTransport = require( './lib/http-transport' );

 * Construct a REST API client instance object to create
 * @constructor WPAPI
 * @param {Object} options             An options hash to configure the instance
 * @param {String} options.endpoint    The URI for a WP-API endpoint
 * @param {String} [options.username]  A WP-API Basic Auth username
 * @param {String} [options.password]  A WP-API Basic Auth password
 * @param {String} [options.nonce]     A WP nonce for use with cookie authentication
 * @param {Object} [options.routes]    A dictionary of API routes with which to
 *                                     bootstrap the WPAPI instance: the instance will
 *                                     be initialized with default routes only
 *                                     if this property is omitted
 * @param {String} [options.transport] An optional dictionary of HTTP transport
 *                                     methods (.get, .post, .put, .delete, .head)
 *                                     to use instead of the defaults, e.g. to use
 *                                     a different HTTP library than superagent
function WPAPI( options ) {

	// Enforce `new`
	if ( this instanceof WPAPI === false ) {
		return new WPAPI( options );

	if ( typeof options.endpoint !== 'string' ) {
		throw new Error( 'options hash must contain an API endpoint URL string' );

	// Dictionary to be filled by handlers for default namespaces
	this._ns = {};

	this._options = {
		// Ensure trailing slash on endpoint URI
		endpoint: options.endpoint.replace(  /\/?$/, '/' )

	// If any authentication credentials were provided, assign them now
	if ( options && ( options.username || options.password || options.nonce ) ) {
		this.auth( options );

	return this
		// Configure custom HTTP transport methods, if provided
		.transport( options.transport )
		// Bootstrap with a specific routes object, if provided
		.bootstrap( options && options.routes );

 * Set custom transport methods to use when making HTTP requests against the API
 * Pass an object with a function for one or many of "get", "post", "put",
 * "delete" and "head" and that function will be called when making that type
 * of request. The provided transport functions should take a WPRequest handler
 * instance (_e.g._ the result of a `wp.posts()...` chain or any other chaining
 * request handler) as their first argument; a `data` object as their second
 * argument (for POST, PUT and DELETE requests); and an optional callback as
 * their final argument. Transport methods should invoke the callback with the
 * response data (or error, as appropriate), and should also return a Promise.
 * @example <caption>showing how a cache hit (keyed by URI) could short-circuit a get request</caption>
 *     var site = new WPAPI({
 *       endpoint: 'http://my-site.com/wp-json'
 *     });
 *     // Overwrite the GET behavior to inject a caching layer
 *     site.transport({
 *       get: function( wpreq, cb ) {
 *         var result = cache[ wpreq ];
 *         // If a cache hit is found, return it via the same callback/promise
 *         // signature as the default transport method
 *         if ( result ) {
 *           if ( cb && typeof cb === 'function' ) {
 *             cb( null, result );
 *           }
 *           return Promise.resolve( result );
 *         }
 *         // Delegate to default transport if no cached data was found
 *         return WPAPI.transport.get( wpreq, cb ).then(function( result ) {
 *           cache[ wpreq ] = result;
 *           return result;
 *         });
 *       }
 *     });
 * This is advanced behavior; you will only need to utilize this functionality
 * if your application has very specific HTTP handling or caching requirements.
 * Refer to the "http-transport" module within this application for the code
 * implementing the built-in transport methods.
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @method transport
 * @chainable
 * @param {Object}   transport          A dictionary of HTTP transport methods
 * @param {Function} [transport.get]    The function to use for GET requests
 * @param {Function} [transport.post]   The function to use for POST requests
 * @param {Function} [transport.put]    The function to use for PUT requests
 * @param {Function} [transport.delete] The function to use for DELETE requests
 * @param {Function} [transport.head]   The function to use for HEAD requests
 * @returns {WPAPI} The WPAPI instance, for chaining
WPAPI.prototype.transport = function( transport ) {
	// Local reference to avoid need to reference via `this` inside forEach
	var _options = this._options;

	// Create the default transport if it does not exist
	if ( ! _options.transport ) {
		_options.transport = Object.create( WPAPI.transport );

	// Whitelist the methods that may be applied
	[ 'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'delete' ].forEach(function( key ) {
		if ( transport && transport[ key ] ) {
			_options.transport[ key ] = transport[ key ];

	return this;

 * Default HTTP transport methods object for all WPAPI instances
 * These methods may be extended or replaced on an instance-by-instance basis
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @static
 * @property transport
 * @type {Object}
WPAPI.transport = Object.create( httpTransport );
Object.freeze( WPAPI.transport );

 * Convenience method for making a new WPAPI instance
 * @example
 * These are equivalent:
 *     var wp = new WPAPI({ endpoint: 'http://my.blog.url/wp-json' });
 *     var wp = WPAPI.site( 'http://my.blog.url/wp-json' );
 * `WPAPI.site` can take an optional API root response JSON object to use when
 * bootstrapping the client's endpoint handler methods: if no second parameter
 * is provided, the client instance is assumed to be using the default API
 * with no additional plugins and is initialized with handlers for only those
 * default API routes.
 * @example
 * These are equivalent:
 *     // {...} means the JSON output of http://my.blog.url/wp-json
 *     var wp = new WPAPI({
 *       endpoint: 'http://my.blog.url/wp-json',
 *       json: {...}
 *     });
 *     var wp = WPAPI.site( 'http://my.blog.url/wp-json', {...} );
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @static
 * @param {String} endpoint The URI for a WP-API endpoint
 * @param {Object} routes   The "routes" object from the JSON object returned
 *                          from the root API endpoint of a WP site, which should
 *                          be a dictionary of route definition objects keyed by
 *                          the route's regex pattern
 * @returns {WPAPI} A new WPAPI instance, bound to the provided endpoint
WPAPI.site = function( endpoint, routes ) {
	return new WPAPI({
		endpoint: endpoint,
		routes: routes

 * Generate a request against a completely arbitrary endpoint, with no assumptions about
 * or mutation of path, filtering, or query parameters. This request is not restricted to
 * the endpoint specified during WPAPI object instantiation.
 * @example
 * Generate a request to the explicit URL "http://your.website.com/wp-json/some/custom/path"
 *     wp.url( 'http://your.website.com/wp-json/some/custom/path' ).get()...
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @param {String} url The URL to request
 * @returns {WPRequest} A WPRequest object bound to the provided URL
WPAPI.prototype.url = function( url ) {
	var options = extend( {}, this._options, {
		endpoint: url
	return new WPRequest( options );

 * Generate a query against an arbitrary path on the current endpoint. This is useful for
 * requesting resources at custom WP-API endpoints, such as WooCommerce's `/products`.
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @param {String} [relativePath] An endpoint-relative path to which to bind the request
 * @returns {WPRequest} A request object
WPAPI.prototype.root = function( relativePath ) {
	relativePath = relativePath || '';
	var options = extend( {}, this._options );
	// Request should be
	var request = new WPRequest( options );

	// Set the path template to the string passed in
	request._path = { '0': relativePath };

	return request;

 * Set the default headers to use for all HTTP requests created from this WPAPI
 * site instance. Accepts a header name and its associated value as two strings,
 * or multiple headers as an object of name-value pairs.
 * @example <caption>Set a single header to be used by all requests to this site</caption>
 *     site.setHeaders( 'Authorization', 'Bearer trustme' )...
 * @example <caption>Set multiple headers to be used by all requests to this site</caption>
 *     site.setHeaders({
 *       Authorization: 'Bearer comeonwereoldfriendsright',
 *       'Accept-Language': 'en-CA'
 *     })...
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @since 1.1.0
 * @chainable
 * @param {String|Object} headers The name of the header to set, or an object of
 *                                header names and their associated string values
 * @param {String}        [value] The value of the header being set
 * @returns {WPAPI} The WPAPI site handler instance, for chaining
WPAPI.prototype.setHeaders = WPRequest.prototype.setHeaders;

 * Set the authentication to use for a WPAPI site handler instance. Accepts basic
 * HTTP authentication credentials (string username & password) or a Nonce (for
 * cookie authentication) by default; may be overloaded to accept OAuth credentials
 * in the future.
 * @example <caption>Basic Authentication</caption>
 *     site.auth({
 *       username: 'admin',
 *       password: 'securepass55'
 *     })...
 * @example <caption>Cookie/Nonce Authentication</caption>
 *     site.auth({
 *       nonce: 'somenonce'
 *     })...
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @method
 * @chainable
 * @param {Object} credentials            An authentication credentials object
 * @param {String} [credentials.username] A WP-API Basic HTTP Authentication username
 * @param {String} [credentials.password] A WP-API Basic HTTP Authentication password
 * @param {String} [credentials.nonce]    A WP nonce for use with cookie authentication
 * @returns {WPAPI} The WPAPI site handler instance, for chaining
WPAPI.prototype.auth = WPRequest.prototype.auth;

// Apply the registerRoute method to the prototype
WPAPI.prototype.registerRoute = require( './lib/wp-register-route' );

 * Deduce request methods from a provided API root JSON response object's
 * routes dictionary, and assign those methods to the current instance. If
 * no routes dictionary is provided then the instance will be bootstrapped
 * with route handlers for the default API endpoints only.
 * This method is called automatically during WPAPI instance creation.
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @chainable
 * @param {Object} routes The "routes" object from the JSON object returned
 *                        from the root API endpoint of a WP site, which should
 *                        be a dictionary of route definition objects keyed by
 *                        the route's regex pattern
 * @returns {WPAPI} The bootstrapped WPAPI client instance (for chaining or assignment)
WPAPI.prototype.bootstrap = function( routes ) {
	var routesByNamespace;
	var endpointFactoriesByNamespace;

	if ( ! routes ) {
		// Auto-generate default endpoint factories if they are not already available
		if ( ! defaultEndpointFactories ) {
			routesByNamespace = buildRouteTree( defaultRoutes );
			defaultEndpointFactories = generateEndpointFactories( routesByNamespace );
		endpointFactoriesByNamespace = defaultEndpointFactories;
	} else {
		routesByNamespace = buildRouteTree( routes );
		endpointFactoriesByNamespace = generateEndpointFactories( routesByNamespace );

	// For each namespace for which routes were identified, store the generated
	// route handlers on the WPAPI instance's private _ns dictionary. These namespaced
	// handler methods can be accessed by calling `.namespace( str )` on the
	// client instance and passing a registered namespace string.
	// Handlers for default (wp/v2) routes will also be assigned to the WPAPI
	// client instance object itself, for brevity.
	return objectReduce( endpointFactoriesByNamespace, function( wpInstance, endpointFactories, namespace ) {

		// Set (or augment) the route handler factories for this namespace.
		wpInstance._ns[ namespace ] = objectReduce( endpointFactories, function( nsHandlers, handlerFn, methodName ) {
			nsHandlers[ methodName ] = handlerFn;
			return nsHandlers;
		}, wpInstance._ns[ namespace ] || {
			// Create all namespace dictionaries with a direct reference to the main WPAPI
			// instance's _options property so that things like auth propagate properly
			_options: wpInstance._options
		} );

		// For the default namespace, e.g. "wp/v2" at the time this comment was
		// written, ensure all methods are assigned to the root client object itself
		// in addition to the private _ns dictionary: this is done so that these
		// methods can be called with e.g. `wp.posts()` and not the more verbose
		// `wp.namespace( 'wp/v2' ).posts()`.
		if ( namespace === apiDefaultNamespace ) {
			Object.keys( wpInstance._ns[ namespace ] ).forEach(function( methodName ) {
				wpInstance[ methodName ] = wpInstance._ns[ namespace ][ methodName ];

		return wpInstance;
	}, this );

 * Access API endpoint handlers from a particular API namespace object
 * @example
 *     wp.namespace( 'myplugin/v1' ).author()...
 *     // Default WP endpoint handlers are assigned to the wp instance itself.
 *     // These are equivalent:
 *     wp.namespace( 'wp/v2' ).posts()...
 *     wp.posts()...
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @param {string} namespace A namespace string
 * @returns {Object} An object of route endpoint handler methods for the
 * routes within the specified namespace
WPAPI.prototype.namespace = function( namespace ) {
	if ( ! this._ns[ namespace ] ) {
		throw new Error( 'Error: namespace ' + namespace + ' is not recognized' );
	return this._ns[ namespace ];

 * Take an arbitrary WordPress site, deduce the WP REST API root endpoint, query
 * that endpoint, and parse the response JSON. Use the returned JSON response
 * to instantiate a WPAPI instance bound to the provided site.
 * @memberof! WPAPI
 * @static
 * @param {string} url A URL within a REST API-enabled WordPress website
 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a configured WPAPI instance bound
 * to the deduced endpoint, or rejected if an endpoint is not found or the
 * library is unable to parse the provided endpoint.
WPAPI.discover = function( url ) {
	// local placeholder for API root URL
	var endpoint;

	// Try HEAD request first, for smaller payload: use WPAPI.site to produce
	// a request that utilizes the defined HTTP transports
	var req = WPAPI.site( url ).root();
	return req.headers()
		.catch(function() {
			// On the hypothesis that any error here is related to the HEAD request
			// failing, provisionally try again using GET because that method is
			// more widely supported
			return req.get();
		// Inspect response to find API location header
		.then( autodiscovery.locateAPIRootHeader )
		.then(function( apiRootURL ) {
			// Set the function-scope variable that will be used to instantiate
			// the bound WPAPI instance,
			endpoint = apiRootURL;

			// then GET the API root JSON object
			return WPAPI.site( apiRootURL ).root().get();
		.then(function( apiRootJSON ) {
			// Instantiate & bootstrap with the discovered methods
			return new WPAPI({
				endpoint: endpoint,
				routes: apiRootJSON.routes
		.catch(function( err ) {
			console.error( err );
			if ( endpoint ) {
				console.warn( 'Endpoint detected, proceeding despite error...' );
				console.warn( 'Binding to ' + endpoint + ' and assuming default routes' );
				return new WPAPI.site( endpoint );
			throw new Error( 'Autodiscovery failed' );

module.exports = WPAPI;